Q. Why are you interested in helping people?

As Therapists, we are taught that a certain level of self-disclosure is sometimes important; but for the most part, we return the focus of attention back to the client. Every so often, however, when this question pops up, I do sometimes enter into a bit of dialogue about why I chose this profession, and indeed, what I love about it.

My story about how I have gone from a fascination to wanting to help other people explore their own minds is a personal one, but what I will say, is that from a very early age, I was aware that other people’s emotions and behaviour was linked in a way that captivated me. To that end, I began to become very interested in wanting to know more about the “mechanics” of how humans interact, connect, fall out, get triggered and so on. And why are we the way that we are?

My study into this minefield of mental health has often left me with more questions than it does answers, but yet I am continually enthused and thirsty for more; more insight, more theory, more information, more of what works, and more understanding. With each journey that I go on with a client, and it is indeed a journey of the unknown, I am struck by the variations that exist within our minds; and the different ways that individuals use and respond to their emotions and behaviours to exist and “be”.


With so many varying factors, one of the most important components of talking therapy is to be open. We “hold the theory lightly”, yet use it to inform our responses and guide a case forwards. Sometimes, just when we think we know, we realise that we actually don’t … and this keeps us on our toes at all times. This for me, is part of the enjoyment of the work. So, when asked, “Why do you do this job?” my answer in short is that;

  1. I have a lifelong fascination with human behaviour, emotions and development and why are we like we are?

  2. I care deeply about my fellow human and if I can help, I will. This support from another perspective can be so very helpful and nourishing

  3. That the ever-changing aspect of the work keeps me hooked.

For more reading, go to Psychology Today

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