We ALL have mental health...

I recently read and shared, via social media, a very well written piece on “Why Therapy Works”.  Sometimes, it feels impossible to explain to people what we do as Therapists, as others often come at you with their own perspectives and vision of what it means to be in talking therapy.

People who come to therapy often do so for a myriad of reasons. Some, because they have been “told to, by my partner”, others because they have tried many different ways to deal with their emotions, and they are still finding themselves in some inner turmoil. Sometimes, clients are very specific; “I want to be able to stop shouting at my husband”, and the likes. Some are bereaved.


Whatever reason people enter through the therapists’ door, there is a journey to take and work to explore. Analysis in the traditional sense (patient on couch, therapist taking notes) is moving towards a far more “shoulder-to-shoulder” type of dynamic whereby clients are encouraged to explore their internal worlds whilst we, offer up the use of our mind space; to bounce ideas off, reflect with, challenge and provoke. The relationships that we form with our clients are each unique and different, and we learn from them all, as our practice is enriched and developed through the experience.

As research progresses into effective treatment for successful outcomes in psychotherapy, and the stigma of seeking help continues to taper, the hope is that the message gets clearer; we all have mental health, and talking about it really does help.


Kelsie Woolass